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December 19, 2023 by kids

The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a shepherd boy who was responsible for watching over a flock of sheep. He was a mischievous boy, and he often played pranks on the villagers.

One day, the boy decided to have some fun. He climbed to the top of a hill and cried out. “Wolf! Wolf! Help! There is a wolf attacking the sheep!”

Hearing the boy’s cries, the villagers rushed to the hillside with their pitchforks and clubs. But when they arrived, they found no wolf. The boy was laughing, amused by the villagers’ frantic response

The villagers were angry and scolded the boy for his false alarm They warned him not to play such tricks again

A few days later, the boy decided to play the same prank He climbed

the hill and cried out. “Wolf Woll Help! There is a wolf attacking the sheep!

Again, the villagers rushed to the hillside, only to find that there was no wolf. This time, they were furious. They warned the boy that if he played

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