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January 8, 2024 by kids 0 Comments

Sleep Chronotypes

Have you ever heard that there is sleep chronotype for all living organisms? What’s sleep Chronotype? What are the types of sleep Chronotype? Do we need to know about sleep Chronotype? When does a sleep chronotype occur in an organism?

A sleep Chronotype is like a person’s body clock that decides when they feel most awake and alert during the day. Some may feel more energetic in the morning, while others feel more active at night.

January 6, 2024 by kids 0 Comments

Nilgiri Marten

The Nilgiri marten is a small, furry mammal that lives in the Western Ghats mountains of India. It is the only marten species found in India. The Nilgiri marten is about the size of a house cat, with a long, slender body and a bushy tail. It has a dark brown coat with a bright yellow or orange throat patch.

The Nilgiri marten is an arboreal animal, meaning it spends most of its time in trees. It is an excellent climber and can move quickly through the branches. The Nilgiri marten is also a good swimmer.

January 5, 2024 by kids 0 Comments

The city of Tenochtitlán

In 1325, long before Colum- bus set sail for the Americas, the city of Tenochtitlán, which would later become Mexico City, was one of the largest and most sophisticated cities in the world. It was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco and was the capital of the Aztec Empire. Tenochtitlán had an intricate system of canals, causeways, and floating gardens known as “chinampas,” which were used for agriculture. At its height, it is estimated to have had a population of over 200,000 peo- ple, making it larger than any Eu- ropean city of the time, including Paris and Venice. This thriving city was a testament to the advanced engineering and organizational skills of the Aztec civilization.

The city was well-planned and well-organized. It had a grid of canals and streets, and it was divided into four districts. The center of the city was home to the main temples and palaces, as well as a large market.

January 4, 2024 by kids 0 Comments



Entomophagy or eating insects as food is common to the cultures of large parts of America, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Entomophagy has become a popular trend in the West. Worldwide, more than two billion people eat insects. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recommends the human consumption of insects as protection of the environment, increase in food securi- ty and a cheap source of protein,

Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn is a drought-tol- erant shrub that bears yellow and orange berries.The Sea Buckthorn has been used for hundreds of years in Eastern Asia and Russia as a power- house of strength.The berries are rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins. They have 12 times the amount of Vitamin C than an orange. The berry oil is used internally to cure ulcers and throat inflamma- tions and externally on the skin for burns and wounds.

January 3, 2024 by kids 0 Comments

Amazing Algae

Algae are neither plant nor animal, but they are very mportant! These organisms create oxygen that humans and animals need breathe Marine to algae produces about 70 percent of oxygen in the atmosphere. Water animals and fish depend on algae for food.

It is because of small organ- isms in water called ‘Algae’ Algae can be found all around the world. They come in different shapes and size.

January 2, 2024 by kids 0 Comments

-சிலந்தி மீன்-

சிலந்தி மீன்கள் உருண்ட உடலமைப்பில் பெரிய கண்கள் மற்றும் எட்டு கைகளுடன் கவர்ச்சிகரமான தோற்றம் கொண்டவை. உலகின் அனைத்து வெதுவெதுப்பான மற்றும் வெப்பமண்டல ஆழகடல் பகுதிகளில் இவைகள் காணப்படுகின்றன. இதற்கு நீராளி என்ற பெயரும் உண்டு.
சிலந்தி மீன்கள் இருக்கும் இடத்தின் தன்மைக்கு ஏற்றவாறு தங்கள் உருவத்தை மறைத்துக் கொள்வதில் திறமை வாய்ந்தவை எதிரிகள் தாக்க வந்தால் இவை மை போன்ற திரவத்தை தூவி இருளச் செய்து, எதிரிகளிடமிருந்து தப்பித்து விடும்.
சிலந்தி மீன்கள் எலும்புகள் இல்லாத மென்மையான உடலமைப்பை கொண்டவை அதனால் இவைகளால் தங்கள் உடலை சுருக்கிக் கொள்ளவும் விரித்துக் கொள்ளவும் முடியும். சிறிய துவாரங்களில் கூட இவைகளால் நுழைந்து செல்ல முடியும்,
சிலந்தி மீன்கள் கைகளை இழந்து விட்டால் மீண்டும் வளர்ந்து விடும். ஏதாவது காயம் ஏற்பட்டோ அல்லது சண்டையிலோ கைகள் துண்டாகி விட்டால் நாளடைவில் அவை மீண்டும் வளர்ந்து விடும் தன்மை கொண்டவை….

December 29, 2023 by kids 0 Comments

The Sphere

The Sphere is a new music and entertainment arena in Para- dise, Nevada, United States, east of the Las Vegas Strip. Designed by Populous, the spherical project was announced by the Madison Square Garden Company (MSG) in 2018, known then as the MSG largest spherical building, meas- Sphere. The 18,600-seat auditori- uring 366 feet (112 m) high and 516 um is being marketed for its im- mersive video and audio capabili-ties, which include a 16K resolution wraparound interior LED screen, speakers with beamforming and wave field synthesis technologies, and 4D physical effects.
The 18,600-seat auditori- uring 366 feet (112 m) high and 516 um is being marketed for its im- feet (157 m) wide at its broadest mersive video and audio capabili point. It is also one of the most…

December 28, 2023 by kids 0 Comments

The Journey of Milk and Its Many Forms

Milk is the first thing we drink It has evolved due to progress in dairy production. It now comes in numerous forms, benefiting our health and senses Crucially, it provides all the vital nutrients for a baby’s growth and develop- ment-such as proteins, carbohy- drates, fats, vitamins, minerals, ment and water This makes milk the sole necessary sustenance for the initial six months of a baby’s life.
The composition of milk changes based on factors like the type of animal, its diet, and where it lives. For instance, in the Arctic Circle, reindeer produce high-fat milk, containing about 20% fat, which is approximately five times more than human or cow’s milk. This ad- aptation helps their young endure the severe cold of their environ-Ment.

December 27, 2023 by kids 0 Comments

சிப்புவும் ரிக்குவும்….

சிப்பு சிக்குவும் நண்பர்கள் ஒருநாள் அவர்கள் ஒரு காட்டின் வழியே சென்றுகொண்டிருந்தார்கள்.

ஒரு மரத்தில் துணி சாய்த்து வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்ததை சிப்பு பார்த்தது “நான் இந்த ஏணியில் ஏறப்போகிறேன் என்று சொன்னது.

அதில் ஏறாதே சிப்பு அது கீழே விழுந்தால் உனக்கு அடிபடும்” என்று ரிக்கு எச்சரித்தது.

ஆனால் சிப்பு ரிக்குவின் பேச்சை கேட்டு வில்லை அது ஏணியில் ஏரத்தொடங்கியது.

December 26, 2023 by kids 0 Comments

The Power of Authenticity

In a world that often seems to value comparison and competition, there lies a profound truth- “When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you” These are the words of the great Chinese philosopher Lao T

In a world that often seems to value comparison and competition, there lies a profound truth- “When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you” These are the words of the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu.

It means that when you are comfortable with who you are and don’t feel the need to compare yourself to others or compete with them, people will naturally respect you.

In the age of social media, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap af measuring our worth by the likes, shares, and comments we receive. The constant stream of curated images and carefully crafted narratives can lead us to believe that we must conform to certain standards or strive to outdo others in order to gain recognition and respect. However, true respect stems from a deeper wellspring authenticity.

ourselves for who we are, we are not trying to be someone we’re not we are not trying to prove ourselves to anyone. This gives us a sense of peace and inner strength. When we are not afraid to be ourselves, people can see our true worth. They can see our authenticity and our confidence. This is what earns us their respect.